Sunday, January 9, 2011


Because I am uncomfortable on Facebook I tend to post very impersonal things. At least to those who read them they must seem quite impersonal. I usually post about what I made for dinner, which for some reason people seem to enjoy. Tonight's post was-

Bits and pieces soup- cranberry beans, farro, mirepoix, and ham finished with cheese according to individual taste (pecorino, ricotta ensalda or mozzarella). Rosemary bread and blue cheese.

The fact is, you can tell a lot about my day by what I cook. Lots of ingredients or something that needs a lot of prep means I have had at least a couple of great days and lots of energy. Roast chicken means I want homemade food but I don't have the energy to chop or prep anything. Delivery pizza... I have no interest in food at all but the kids are hungry.

Tonight was cabinet soup. Make something out of whatever is around. I want to eat at home, I don't want to leave the comfort of my living room. I need a rest and real food.

I guess nothing is what it seems. Nothing is impersonal, just interpretive.

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